TED Ankara College International Model United Nations

24-25-26 May


Letter From the Secretary General

Dear participants of TEDMUN 2024,

My words could not start without a quote that enlightens and motivates the whole spirit of this conference: “Peace in home, peace in world.” Although Mustafa Kemal Atatürk is known to be a great military commander and a brilliant government man, he was unique. At that time, while most of the leaders had rather aggressive views regarding the importance of International Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk knew that the future of the modern world and a future modern Türkiye must be tenant to diplomacy. It must be reminded that, our hearths and opinions lie within his words, and this conference is assembled through his enlightenment.

TED Ankara College Policy Diplomacy Club has assembled 9 conferences since 2014, and this year we are proud to be the part of the 10th TEDMUN Conference. Becoming a part of the PDC, being an MUN’er and organizing TEDMUN at the end of the 11th grade has turned into a long-lasting tradition of every TED Ankara College member. We are proud to be a part of this long-lasting tradition and glorifying our club. The TED Ankara College Policy Diplomacy Club has a rich history of fostering such principles, organizing conferences that serve as platforms for meaningful discourse and collaboration. As we continue this tradition with the 10th TEDMUN Conference, we stand as proud torchbearers of our club's legacy, committed to upholding the values of diplomacy, mutual respect, and cooperation.

For each of us, participating in Model United Nations represents more than just a simulation; it is an opportunity to engage with diverse perspectives, to forge connections, and to contribute to the collective pursuit of peace and prosperity. As Secretary-General, I am deeply inspired by the dedication and passion that each of you brings to this conference. I hope the best for your contributions to the Model United Nations, and I wish you to enlighten yourselves by recovering the embedded solutions in each conflict. In my opinion, your youth and perspectives will make this conference shine like the North Star in the Arctic.

As we embark on this journey together, let us remember the words of Atatürk and the legacy of TED Ankara College Policy Diplomacy Club. Let us approach our deliberations with open minds, empathy, and a shared commitment to building a better world. I am confident that through our collective efforts, we will not only honour our advisors but also reaffirm our belief in the power of diplomacy to transcend borders and unite humanity.

With warm regards,

Buğra Ermihan
Secretary-General of TEDMUN 2024

Letters From the Deputy Secretary Generals

Distinguished Advisors and Dear Participants,

Hello, I am Erdem Ogeday Uyanuk. It is an honor to welcome you to the 10th annual session of TEDMUN, and I cannot find the words to express my excitement. I am currently an 11th grader at TED Ankara College High School. Since the beginning of high school, TEDMUN has always been very special for me, as in every session, I got to meet amazing people who motivated me further to participate in MUNs and made me come to the position I am in today.

As the executive and the organization team of TEDMUN 24', we have spent countless days and nights making this conference an exceptional and remarkable one. What I believe is that MUN conferences are great opportunities for people to get to know each other and understand how social networks are formed. Our motives for the conference are pretty straightforward: Ensuring all the participants spend three full days engaging in global issues, having limitless fun, and creating opportunities to meet new people.

We ensure that TEDMUN 24' will be a memorable and significant conference with the active presence of the executive and organization team, advisors, and, most importantly, delegates. Lastly, I thank all the teams of TEDMUN 24,' and with that being said, It is my utmost pleasure to see you in May at TEDMUN 24.'

Erdem Ogeday Uyanuk

Dear Delegates,

I sincerely and warmly welcome you all, to TEDMUN 2024, to TED Ankara College’s 10th annual edition of a Model United Nations. We, as the brave leaders of tomorrow, live in an era when we are in desperate need of hearing each other’s voice, seeking and finding solutions to world problems and most crucially, cooperating. The world as it is now hosts decades long civil wars, discrimination and separation due to ethnicity, epidemics due to preventable and curable diseases, humanitarian crises in which children as young as one year old lose their lives under debris painfully. This universe we live in, witnesses great crimes, wars and crises…

Dear participants of conference, it is hard to accept though as it is hard, it is true: The world is in ruins. Ruins of hundreds of years of racist discriminations, ruins of economic crises worldwide, ruins of diplomatic crises, ruins of humanitarian crises and so much to go on. We see illegal arms trades in Sahel where also lies hundreds of innocent souls died due to civil wars and terrorist attacks. We see ethnic divides leading to decades long crises amongst people who have agreed on Universal Declaration of Human Rights and wee see them, violating the very same agreement. We see the ongoing effects of foreign countries in specific regions which dates back to XVI century and continues to stay still - may not be in colonialist means but in means of foreign, capitalist companies.

The list can be extended with many unpleasant issues which requires the immediate reaction of relevant authorities even though continues to be ignored and get crueler. However, it all add up to same thing: Our parents have failed and they have failed miserably leaving us such a world- in, we witness our agemates die due to starvation, become trapped in gunned conflicts and fall in disgraceful terrorist attacks.

Dear people of the blue marble, Martin Luther King once stated “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” … We may be in a world where these things are happening and where we have to discuss wars and crises. The true form of the world currently may seem immensely upsetting and it is. Though what it is certainly not is desperate and hopeless. It is now our duty as children, as owners of tomorrow’s world to fight for what is ours, to discuss what they are too afraid to discuss, to seek solutions for what they have ignored, to fix and save the world our parents ruined.

I, hereby, under the same goal welcome you all TEDMUN 2024, where we will do these and do them without fights or guns but with words, signs and cooperation. We will do what an MUN is, we will get in diplomacy and we will find solutions to today’s, pasts and tomorrow’s problems. Remember, it is solely our duty to; for tomorrow is solely ours.

Kaya Doruk Emral




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